Watch our Free Workshop for Curing TMS (link below)

This episode is all about journaling to cure chronic back pain and chronic pain in general. John Thornton tells us how to journal effectively.
The Pain Cure Clinic is a mind body non-medical clinic that uses methods popularized by Dr. John Sarno. Tension Myositis Syndrome.

John’s co-founder Laura Heidrich cured herself of arthritis and also coaches in their Boulder Colorado office. They also coach by Skype and have a great video MasterClass (5) to cure pain.

Check out:
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In this video I’m explaining what the benefits are to using a pain journal, 10 things you should consider recording in your pain journal, and some tips to help make using a pain journal PAIN LESS.

Hang out till the end to see how you could get a free GIVEAWAY!
To check out my Chronic Pain Notebook download just click this link:

JOIN THE FREE COMMUNITY: “The Battling Chronic Pain with Neuroscience” Facebook group for anyone with chronic pain searching for Holistic, No-fluff Solutions & Support. Join us:

FREE SELF-ASSESSMENT: Is your nervous system hypersensitive?:

THE CHRONIC PAIN BREAKUP METHOD: The comprehensive, no-fluff program that empowers women to beat stubborn pain naturally so they can live a fearless & fulfilling life using principles of neuroscience. Learn more here:




I’m Alissa Wolfe.

I’m a chronic pain specialist and the founder of the Chronic Pain Breakup Method. I help people who are fed up and frustrated with chronic pain retrain their nervous system so they can beat chronic pain and get their life back.

In other words, if you have chronic pain and are looking for a new and improved way to manage your pain with an approach based on neuroscience, I’m your girl.

I got out of the clinic and started my online chronic pain coaching business so I could provide that nervous system retraining piece that is missing from pain management in the health care system.

Empowering people with chronic pain is my calling. I wasn’t okay knowing that my patient’s with chronic pain had no one to turn to, no one who would help, and no one who would believe them.

I decided I would be that person, even if in the beginning I didn’t know everything I needed to know to help them. I pushed myself to learn and I discovered that we were trying to treat the “tissue issue” when people with chronic pain have a nervous system “pain problem”.

Changes in the nervous system were contributing to pain and yet no one was addressing those changes.

By adding this element of neuroscience and nervous system retraining to my treatment approach, clients and patients are getting better than ever.

If you like what you see so far, subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss any of the neuroscience nuggets I’ll be throwing your way.
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